Day 3

Today we had another early morning, my cabin got up at 5:00 to get ready for the day. At 6:30 we got in the bus and headed to SUMS to start our work. When we got there, we were split into a few groups and got to work. My group was working at the main shelter and we helped serve by bringing food out to the guests as well as preparing food for lunch. We also painted some pictures to decorate the shelter. During lunch I handed out some first aid kits to the guests coming in. After all of the groups had finished, around 1 o’clock, we got back on the bus and went to a museum for an hour. After we were done at the museum we went to a harbour and went into some shops to look around. After we went to the harbour we had a long drive back to the camp site. As we headed back we picked up pizza, and hung out for the rest of the night. Adam