Day 4

Today was not as early as the past few mornings. We got up around 7:15 and had a hot breakfast at 8:00 which was a treat for us because we have been having cereal for breakfast for the last couple mornings. We has scrambled eggs, hash browns, some fruit it was delicious. After breakfast we got some time chill and hangout. Around 2:00 we went to a rec center you had the choice to go swimming, play in the gym, play ping pong, or play cards or board games. I played some ping pong for bit then went in the gym. In the gym me and Nora went on little kid bikes then we got kicked off because we were to big for them so I just played volleyball and some basketball. At 5:00 we went to nightshift and made some sandwiches for the homeless. There was meat and cheese or peanut butter and jelly. After we finished up with the sandwich’s we set up outside to give the homeless pizza, sandwiches, hot cross buns, cinnamon buns, and coffee or hot chocolate. When we were handing out food we saw some rats which kinda scared us all because we thought they were going to run up our legs but they didn’t. At 8:00 are shift was over and all the food was gone. While we waited for the bus to pick us up this guy named Gerry who worked at nightshift told us a Little about himself and his past. He was a retired police officer and he told us about drugs and how bad they are for our body. When the bus arrived we got in and went back to camp. At camp we got ready for bed and had a nighttime snack then we went to bed. - Melayna